Poem the washing lady

The washing lady  (LA LAVAPANNE)
More about the dialect poem
The following poem has been written for those people that come from Genzano di Lucania and the surrounding towns that are able to understand this dialect; it is followed by my own translation in English. Angelo Valente has written a few poems and other works. You can find his works at one of these addresses:  Where is Genzano di Lucania in Basilicata, Italy located? Castello di Monteserico - LUCANIA / BASILICATA  www.archeopolis.it   
Dialetto Genzanese poema Di Angelo Valente
LA LAVANNARE                                                               
Me chiame Róse e tènghe vént'anne, - a Cape d'Acque lave li panne. - Tènghe na cèste e nu spanneture,
tènghe nu bbèlle strecature. - Appéna auzate, tutt'i matine - péglie li pan, me mètte ncamine,
me mètte ncamine e a Caped'Acque...- nu iurne lave e n'ate sciacque.- Quanne se sò sciacquate li
panne - sópe alli spine li vache a spanne, - quanne se sò minze assucate - sópe au scenócchie dache na
 strate. - le sò cuntènte de stu lavóre, - nòn hagge mmédie de li assegnóre, - nòn mètte céprie e mane e
 russètte - sò bbèlle u stèsse e vache nètte.
Ògne mestire dai sèmpe ònór - se desonóre chi nò ilavóre, - èvviva Róse la lavapanne,
èvviva ie ca tènghe (1) vént'anne.
Chéssa dóte me daie mamme - nu strecature e na cèste p' i panne.
(Tènghe si legge come fosse una sola sillaba.)

This my translation in English  of Angelo Valente version
My name is Rose and I am twenty, - A Capo D’aqua I wash clothes. - I have a basket and a clothe hanger, 
I have a beauty of a scrubbing board - As soon as I get up, every morning - Take the clothes, and
 start walking,- I start walking for Capo D’aqua....-One day I wash and another rinse, - when the
 clothes have been rinsed - on a shrub I stretch them to dry,  - when they are half dried
On my knees I stretch them. (Like ironing) - I am happy to do this job, -
 I don’t envy any of the ladies - and I don’t use powders and lip stick -I am still beautiful and also clean.
Any sort of work gives always honour, - is a dishonour if you don’t work
Long live Rose the washing lady - Long live I, that I am twenty
This is the dowry that my mother gives me -  A scrubbing board and a basket for clothes


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