Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Perhaps we have our own destiny

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it story
and this post, Perhaps we have our own destiny

Perhaps we have our own destiny

Looking at my life that I have already lived, I may have to say that there might be something called a destiny, so one might be born to live a certain way of life, or perhaps our destiny is already written in God’s book of our own life and in a way we are forced to live our lives, which is going to be influenced by some life events that are behind your control. I don’t know really what to think about this, but somehow I believe there is a sort of destiny and perhaps we have our own destiny.
Anyhow, dear readers as I have already said in the previous posts, I have come to blame my fate for most of my life short comings and pains. Because I believe that when I was born, I was born with a good chance to live a better life that I have lived; but it was not to be that way, perhaps it was my destiny. So, dear readers if you happen to read most of my life story, you may very well ask. Why is it that I am telling you only sad stories? Is it possible that in my whole life, I had so many sad happenings and not many happy ones?
Well I should say here that I have had a few happy happenings, but if I had to tell you about my happy happenings they would be so few and very boring indeed, and nobody could or would be interested to hear them anyhow.
So, I would like to talk now first of all, about those happenings that have affected my life in such a way that one could say that they have made me struggle during my life, as I have already said in my last post, My life story plus which you can read below this post.
Okay I know dear readers that you might be thinking that it is meaningless to write down all this useless stuff, as nobody might be willing to read it or get any benefit from it: But I am thinking that if my writings survive in a hidden corner just for a generation or two, and even if my writings are written poorly, as my English writing skills are not the best at the present time, because English is not my mother tongue. But I believe that in several years when time passes, then whoever would be reading my writings will find them more interesting, because life was so different in the old days that I lived, as I have started to live my life long before the great changes of nowadays.
And if what I am writing is going to be useless anyhow, I will do it just for practice, so that I would be able to improve my English language and also my writing skills. So that I could feel more confident within my own self when I write, and therefore I would not feel to be in such a hopeless and desperate position; like that time when something happened to me at a certain stage of my life, but because at that time I was not learned enough, I felt that I was not able to cope with it properly, and because I wasn’t able to cope with that matter in my case became also very painful, because of what I wanted to reach and do but I wasn’t able to, here I am talking about a matter that was and indeed is a very delicate matter of personal nature.
I would have liked to tell you about my helpless and desperate feelings, but I don’t know how just for now, so, I will write them later on including what was it that caused me so much distress; But this distress has also made me come to a decision, which is that I have to improve myself in my lacking skills.
So, now although I am getting old, I am going to try very hard if I can improve myself, so that, my improvements may still help me in my later years to reach where I have failed now.
Therefore by writing my own life story, I will also help myself to improve my English and my communication skills, which after all they are the art of being able to write or to say, the right words at the right time with the right meanings; since saying meaningful and skillful phrases is just like when one writes them down.
So please, allow me to write a few things that I have gone through during my own life, even if they might be boring so to speak, because, I would like to write them down; so that I could show you how hard life can sometimes be to any of us, but as you know this story applies particularly to me and I would like to tell you, because during my life so many things have changed since I was a child. Of course things will still keep changing nowadays and in the future, and very likely even faster than before, but now because we know of the coming changes we are able to accept them more easily than before, and therefore they will not seem that bad to us anyhow, because at least we believe that we know where we are going.
Anyhow I believe that I have said enough in this post, but I am going to come back to tell you more about my life story, in my next post. 
Genzano it story
Perhaps we have our own destiny 
Next time with another chapter of my life story. 
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