My farm life experience 6

My farm life

In the farms and in the fields people are forced to live a very lonely life, it might be okay for an old man like the one in the photo, but for a very young man it is a very lonely and perhaps even sad if you have to live there most of your life. 

Welcome to my hub, My farm life experience
Dear readers, we very well know that life is full of many surprises, sometimes those surprises may be good and other times they might not be that good, but we have to live our lives the best way we can whenever and wherever we happen to live at the time when it happens.
Sometimes we might not even know whether the way that we are living our lives is good or bad for us, and we will discover that value much later in our lives; because what we have been doing during our early lives may well take us to a destiny that we had never thought could happen to us. Having said that, now let us talk about our lives that we have lived, and let us see what we think today about the life that we have already lived; therefore, let me continue to tell you the story of my life, as I have started telling you in our previous hubs of, an old man life story.
So, dear readers, this hub is a continuation of our first farm life experience of, an old man life story, here we are going to add a few more descriptions about my farm life when I was a kid; now there are reasons to believe that once you have read my farm life writings, you will all agree with me that the way of life that I and those other youths, whom lived like me during those times in the farms, it was a way of life that to most of us nowadays may seem archaic, unreal and to say the least unfair, and indeed it was really unfair to myself and to all those youths that ended up in a similar position as myself in their families farm.
But at the time when this happened it did not seem that bad to us, because we were so young when we started to work in the farms, therefore we were not aware then of the adverse influence that it could and would brink to us in the future, as we didn’t know then that we were placed in a disadvantaged situation and even our parents did not see how bad the situation could become to some of us, because they could not see how fast life was going to change, and even if they did guess that things were going to change very rapidly, they didn’t know what else to do. So let us talk about this unfair situation that we were in at those times.
Farm life unfair situation
The farm life unfair situation
Now, this situation that I am talking about here was most unfair to us because it affected only us in the farms, but not all the young citizens of this somewhat rich rural town of Genzano, because they would be living a better life in town; (Here rich rural town means only Genzano town by comparison to other towns which surround it).
So, as it happened then, we a portion of the young citizen of Genzano became caught in a disadvantaged position including myself, and this position would affect us very badly for the rest of our lives; but we didn’t know then that it was going to be a disadvantageous position for us in the future, and we did not know what else to do, and there was nothing that could be done either. The few exceptions who were not put at a great disadvantaged position were those youths which their families were rich land owners, because it would always be an advantage for them to stay in the farms and learn their future trade and then use their farm knowledge in the future to their advantages, in their own family farms.

But for the rest of us young men who were working in small farms like myself, and did not own enough land to secure a good living in the future, what we were doing would turn into a disadvantaged position later on, but at the same time we had no other opportunities in life but to continue the old tradition of farming, just because this same tradition of farming had been a way of life to the rural community of this agricultural town for centuries before us, and therefore, when I was young it was thought to be the only way to earn a living if you happened to own any land at all, so we had to be trained to be farmers in order to look after our own small farm when we would become older, and anyhow, in those times there was not much else that could be done, but this helping in the farm and training to farm for us became a great disadvantage, because of the changes that followed in farming later on.
Nobody could be blamed for putting us youths in such a position, which in the end would result for us in a disadvantaged position: because the very same way of life had served the same community so well for centuries, and they were not disadvantaged at all then. But nowadays because of the enormous change of the modern era, which has brought with it also changes in the value of work that any worker does, and for this reason we became greatly disadvantaged. But this is not all, because there are a lot more that can be said, about the way we became and the ways we were later on treated from the rest of the community.
My harsh destiny
The harsh destiny
Some of us want to believe that we are born with a destiny to fulfil, and if it is so my destiny is not a bright one, because from the beginning of my life I have had a hard life and this has continued during my life, perhaps it will continue until I die, but anyhow let us go back to my life story in the farm.
As I have already mentioned above about my farm life when I was young, I reckon and feel that it was really unfair to my personal self, and to those youths that had to live in the farm as I did, this I will continue to describe to you at length and in depth as I keep writing on, since the point that I want to make here is to show you how I had to struggle and to suffer while I was living in the farm, and even later on in the future. In fact life for me was going to be much harder than I thought, since that way of life which I had lived in the farm had left me so far backward, because of isolation I even lacked in local general knowledge, and also in communication skills including all those nice things that a person does and says, in order to make that same person attractive to the rest of the community.
Here I have also to say that this early disadvantaged way of life has affected me greatly for the rest of my life, and although I have tried to improve myself during my life, I have never been able to catch up with the rest of the world completely. So that, I feel it within me even now, as if I will never be completely satisfied with myself, because I think that I could have been better off if I had a different and better way of life when I was young to start with.
But since what’s been done is done, and one cannot go back and do it in a different way, I am/was stuck with it. Therefore, I had to put up with my backward way of life; and I had to accept that the only possible way that was left for me to earn a living for the rest of my life, had to be that I had to do hard physical work, which I did in a way or another.
Anyhow, at the time when all this was happening to us, all those young people which used to live and work in this town’s farms, doing this work as I did it all seemed normal to us, because even our forbears before us, they had all lived this same way for centuries before us.
Also my forbears used to live in this town that I was born, and in which I had to live my youth just like them. But, most of my youth and I mean the most important years of my young life, at the time when a youth would like to try to find out the meanings of life, which would help him to learn how to deal with his life in the future, all those years were spent to live in our family farm and not in the town itself, and this did put me in a disadvantaged position from the very start, as I have already mentioned before, all because everything was changing too fast and farming was on the way out.
Breaking away from my farm life
The only time that I had a real break from farming was when I was called to go in the army, which in Italy was/is a compulsory service to the country, which every able young male must serve when one turns twenty-one years old or soon after that. Then when the army released me I migrated to Australia, and I was then in my early twenties.
Now let me go back to my life in the farm and what it did to me. Because as I have already mentioned before, the farm life of those times was not what one would prescribe for a young man like me, if one wanted me as a young man to develop my potential properly, so that, I could be ready to meet the challenge of life when I would be older, in all sorts of communities.
But you see, as we have already mentioned, at the time when all this happened, no one could have ever thought of the forth coming changing world, and of the difficulties that I and some of the other boys that shared the same fate as me would have to face in later life. Just because the way of life happened to change so much and so fast since we were young.
Now, in order to understand how unfair it was for me and for those youths of my time who ended up in the farms like myself, I have to convey to you the different set up of this town of Genzano; the way that people separate each other in classes, not because they like to be different to each other, but because they are different, and therefore they think and talk in different ways, so they group themselves with their equal, because they feel more at ease that way: But in reality they are all equal, as all the groups need each other soon or later.
Now as it happens usually everywhere else in the world in small towns, there are two main groups of people in every community: There are those who live directly from the land, which are called the rural community, and those who work in town in all sorts of jobs, which would be called just town’s people and they include; shop keepers, craftsmen, clerks, teachers, priests, policemen, (carabinieri which are Italian policemen), guardians, and every other sort of jobs that one can think of, in order to run a town properly; and then all the rest of the population, like whole families and women and children, so that a town would be self reliant.
Anyhow at a certain stage of my life I became aware that I had to break away from this type of farm living, because times had changed, but let me say a bit more about my farm life views and the town I have come from, so that it would be better for my readers to understand what was going on at those times.
So, now let me talk about my farm life views and then the town of Genzano and its communities.


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