The ancient fountain la Cavallina is just the same there is nobody to be seen.
Genzano is a red zone
Genzano di Lucania zona rossa
Today Genzano di Lucania was mentioned in the national news, this small town is becoming important for the wrong reasons. You see, it has happened something that I cannot believe could ever happen. So, instead of posting articles from my life story as usual, we are posting what is happening in Genzano now, because Genzano di Lucania has become a red zone, due to the corona-virus positive cases. I am concerned for the people that are living there, but anyhow, let me see what I can write in this blog and if I can say something helpful. Anyhow, I am trying to paste some photos that I found on the internet, to show you what I mean.
Looking at the photos in Facebook with no people around scares me, because
Genzano looks like a ghost town.
The army has come to Genzano to stop people moving around, the photo above are their vehicles, and two photos below are the signs and this huge thing to bloc the road.
The people are protesting by attaching these signs on the villa boundary, but will they help, nobody knows. Photo below is the other side of the villa, and again nobody is around.
Having seen all this one must reflect, and and pray God this pandemic will soon be over and fade in the past, so, it can be only a story to tell, for the people that have lived through this pandemic times. We hope and pray god that it will be over soon. That is all I can say, see you next time when I write another blog.