Sunday, September 9, 2012

My life struggles

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it story
and this post, My life struggles

Let me tell you my life memoir, so that I could fulfil my own contribution to humanity as I have said in my previous post called, the life duty of any man.  So, let me start by telling you this part of my life that I call my life struggles, which one can say that these are the struggles of life of an ordinary and part educated or self educated man, one could describe him/me as a born struggler, who kept battling on during his (my) whole life.
Now allow me to tell you this story in the third person sometimes, so that my life story seems to apply to most of us instead of just me, so instead of saying I did this, I will say he did this.
So, as it often happens to the best of us, sometimes (I) he won (my) his battles and sometimes (I)he lost them. And although when he had a tough battle a scar or mark was left on him for life, he never thought to surrender to the adverse elements that life brought to him; therefore, he kept battling on his whole life from his very tender age onward. And no matter how hard it became for himself he kept struggling on, in order to conquer those negative elements which sometimes make life miserable.
He had to do it all by himself because; there is no other way that a person can live his own life, because the only thing one can do is to keep fighting on and never give up, no matter how hard it might become during one’s own life, starting from the very beginning when we are born.
This is the subject that I’d like to be talking about to you my readers, which is going to be never the less the very same story of my life, as I have already mentioned before.
So, it seems to me that we are born to struggle, in order to find our own way in life. Here I would also like to point out that, there are lots of people throughout the world nowadays, who believe that we are born to suffer; but I could not agree with them at all, because I don’t believe for a single moment that we are born to suffer. The reasoning is that if we believe that we are born to suffer, then, when something would make us suffer we would have to accept suffering as it is, and therefore we would do nothing at all to improve our situation. To me this situation would be absurd, and therefore, I prefer to believe that it should always be possible to do something to improve my situation, even if is going to make me struggle hard.
Therefore now just to explain myself better, I would like to speak a bit more on this subject, because I would like to try and convince you that what I believe would be correct, so I hope you don’t mind my staying put on this subject, so let us see some examples.
For a start, I am sure that all good parents wish from the bottom of their hearts, that their children will have an easy and happy life.
And if we were to ask any parent, or would be future parents: if they would like to have any children, knowing in advance that their children would have to suffer during their life time. I am sure that they would never agree to have children under such conditions.
So I don’t know why and how it came about, the belief that we are born to suffer. It is a well known fact that religious people have had a say in this belief, because for a long time they have believed that the flesh had to suffer, and only through suffering the soul would become holy in the eyes of God.  I say that first of all there is no warranty that there is a god or there is an afterlife, but anyhow I believe that they have made a mistake and their belief is wrong, because if you are a believer and you believe in God; how could you ever think that we are born to suffer? How could you ever think that? Just think about it! How could God Our Heavenly Father, who is the perfect Father in every way: Why should God make us just to make us suffer?
No! The whole thought of suffering here is absurd, because any good father at all loves his own children, and so, he wishes that his own children live a good and happy life. Therefore, God who is the best father of us all must have made us to be free, so that we could choose our own way of living, and if during our lives there happens to be painful times, we have to rectify it ourselves in our own way, even if this will make us struggle.
Therefore I am sure that we are not born to suffer, but perhaps we are born to struggle and to find our own way in life.
I want to tell you, that I understand that life is not easy except for a few people that are born lucky. Therefore for those people who think that life is easy, I am pretty sure that they are in the minority; and ether they are the very lucky few, which everything has been done for them, or they are such fool’s that they cannot see what life is all about.
Indeed it is a well known and acknowledged fact of life, that there are several kinds of struggles within our present life: And as a matter of fact some great man have acknowledged of the existence of these struggles, and also of the existence of an inner struggle which we feel within ourselves. And some of these men have even expressed their views in public, in a direct way or an indirect way. In my life time for instance, ‘The Right Honourable Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser,’ when the public was complaining that life was a struggle for them under his government policies; He used to say to them and I quote; ‘Life is not meant to be easy’.
Therefore I feel so sure to admit that there are struggles in our lives, even if we don’t want them to be there, and I can assure you that even when we are not struggling, life is not meant to be easy for us, because, we will always be struggling as something somehow will bother us.
Therefore, my own life being just like anybody else, or perhaps worse off in some respect, I would like to tell you to the extent of some very personal details, so that I will be able to show you and prove my point that in order to survive and thrive I had to struggle. You see that is why I call this post, my life struggles. 
So, it seems to me that from here onward I am going to tell you ‘My life struggles or the struggles of my life.’ Or perhaps should I say the story of my life; since this is the only issue that I am sure to know better than anybody else.
I would like to tell you the story of my life, just the way that I have lived it; with so many good chances that were wasted, owing to the fact that I was badly prepared when I was young. And I would like to comment about the anguish that those wasted chances brought with them, then and also later on during my life. But I want also to say that somehow I have managed to live my life with no great regrets, since I have tried hard to adjust to whatever needed to be done. But today when I think about the past with all its suffering that I have been through, I believe that I could have lived a better life, if I had been better prepared for it when I was young. And this is the most important aspect that I want to demonstrate here, and if you think that I am lamenting about my own life you are right; you see these are my life struggles.
For you dear readers I would like to add, try to compare my life struggles that I am going to describe to you, with your own life or today’s way of life, as this will make my life story more interesting to read? See you soon!
Genzano it story
My life struggles
Next time with, Life story drawbacks
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The old man views of life

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it story
and this post, The old man views of life

As we have already said in this blog, this is the story of an old man who wants to tell you how things were when he was young; this old man also wants to tell you the reason why he has written his life story, so, let us read his story, as he has written it for us.
Dear readers, I am going to tell you about, a man life journey, which may as well be my own life journey, which it is. So, let me introduce myself first of all: My assumed Internet name is Menfranco Laws in this personal writings, even though I have to say that this is not my real name, but as we all know not many people can or will use their real name on the internet; I am also known as Frank as my real name is Francesco Menchise and this is my life journey. 
We all know that one of the first questions that we usually ask ourselves is; why are we living on this planet earth and what is life? Many of us believe that life is a journey of the soul; this again brings in another question: What should a man do about his own life journey if he wants to save his soul one may ask?
This question will brings us to ask ourselves in the first place; what is life?
Life on earth can be explained in a few different ways according to what the person concerned believes in; you see if you are an atheist you believe in evolution, if you are a religious believer you believe in creation; this are the two main fields of beliefs and there may very well be more: so, one can go arguing about the origin of life forever, and therefore it is almost impossible to reach a total agreement of its origin, so if you note that my beliefs seem to be different from everybody else, they may indeed be different.

Anyhow, here we are talking about a man life journey, which is my own life journey; so, I am not going to discuss with you about the origin of our existing terrestrial life, because it will be just a waste of time for me, since what I want to talk about here is only about my own life journey, and therefore what counts in these writings are only my own life beliefs, even if some of my readers will not agree with my personal beliefs, as I have already pointed above.
So, I believe that life for me is a gift from the eternal life force of the Living God who is working together with Mother Nature since the very beginning of times: They have worked both together in such a way that life could go on forever on this planet, just like the way they are themselves, as they are eternal. So life keeps going on, even if with the passing of time everything seems to change and even life itself on this earth may change a little or a lot.
The truth about this slowly changing life matter can be seen easily by any keen observer, since one has only to allow oneself enough time to observe these things, in order to see that although life and other things seem to be the same for a very long time in reality they change; therefore, in order to survive life on earth is constantly adapting itself to its environments, and the faster the environment changes the faster life needs to change to adapt itself to it, in order to survive. Therefore in a way Darwin may indeed be right with his theory of evolution.
I have reasons to believe that it is important for us to record these changes, so, this is one of the reasons that I am writing a man life journey. You see, I believe that this continuous life adaptation that is continuously taking place, with time it could and would bring some change to the ways of life and even life itself, so, it is important that we look closely at our present own life and our lives experiences including past experiences when we were younger, and perhaps, we should also look closely at recent past generations, so that, we may understand what has happened and what is happening nowadays, if we do that we may be able to plan ahead, so that, we may be ready and able to cope with any changes which may occur in the near future, and also for future generations.
But, perhaps first of all we need to talk about these changes which are taking place nowadays and I need to convince those people that don’t believe in these life changes, that those life changes are really taking place, so, I invite you to read my own life journey writings, in order to see for yourself what I mean about general changes and my own life changes. As for myself I know it from my own life experience about them, since I need only to look back at the times when I was young and compare them to these present days, in order to convince myself that the style of life and everything else around me have really changed a lot since my younger days, and if I think about what the older generation were telling me when I was young, I say that there is no doubt that there have been great changes.
This is a man life journey and it is obvious from what I have just said above that, we need to adapt ourselves to the present environment as it changes in order to survive. So, this present position will bring us back to the first question. What should a man do about his own life journey? This will bring us to another question. What is the life duty of any man?
But in this case I believe that I have already written a post about, the life duty of any man, so next post will be about, my life struggles.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My life story

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it story
and this post, My life story

My life story begins
As I said in my last post of, Every one of us has a story to tell, so I was going to tell you, my life story, where I said that this blog is also going to discuss other issues as well, so, let us start again from the very beginning, so that we can state what these writing could be here for, because this old man would like to talk also of his later views in life. I know that this may seem like jumping from one subject to another, but this is how life works out sometimes. So, these writings of, Old man life story together with the other pages of this blog are being created also to discuss ways on how we can discuss and reach reconciliation on many subjects. The word key here is to discuss and reconcile, since, any other ways may well be futile for the future benefit of all humanity.
In these post writings we will ask people what they think about any issues being discussed in here, while we present them with what is happening in the world nowadays; and as I said, at the same time we intend also to somehow compare the old times way of living to the hectic nowadays living.
In a way this will give us a broader base to discuss about, and also make the subject more interesting. The Old man life story or my life story writings which we will be using to compare belong to me, and also sometimes some of my friends have a say, since we have lived much the same life, I have to say that these writings have partly been published in other blogs and we want to continue to publish them, so let us hope that it works well.
As we have already said, in these writings of my life story we want to tell you an Old man life story, a man life from his early youth to nowadays, we want to do this, so that we may be able to compare today ways of life to the old ways of life, in the hope of finding something that may help us understand better what is happening nowadays, and why we behave in certain ways. So, we are going to tell you this Old man story about this old man, who started to live his life before major changes occurred.
As I said, we would like to do this while we try to compare the old ways of living to nowadays living.

Can you just imagine how people lived 60 or 70 years ago? I suppose you can’t.
So, let us follow this old man story when he talks about when he was young; so that we may be able to see his story and be able to compare this old man story to the present nowadays living and their problems, which usually would be different from the old times.
This old man story has been written from me and a friend of mine and it has never been completely published. I and my friend as the writers of this, Old man life story have agreed to use this story here to help ourselves with our on line writings. We hope it works out well.
We have to say that people these days have a lot more challenges to cope with, as the ways of life have changed very quickly, this is one of the reasons that sometimes old people seem out of touch with the younger generation. It is the sign of the present times and we are not able to do much to improve the situation between these generations, so, we have just to wait and see what happens next.
As we all know, today humanity is facing many problems, just to mention a couple here, one of this is global warming, the other seems to be religious beliefs, since there are many nasty things done in the name of religions, therefore we need to do something about them soon, or they may indeed change the face of the earth forever. As we have said there are also major religious issues that come up every now and then, my views about these religious issues is that we need to find a way how to deal with them, therefore, this will or could also be discussed in these posts.
In my life story, let us try to write down this old man story, who talks about his experience of life and the way he lived when he was young!
Genzano it story
My life story;
Next post, The old man views of life
Some useful links;

Monday, July 16, 2012

Every one of us has a story to tell

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it story
and this post, Every one of us has a story to tell

Every one of us has a story to tell

Everyone has a story to tell and so have I; so I have thought that this blog here is going to be used from now on to tell my own life story, this is the second post of a long story which I will call, An Old Man Life Story. Today I am going to write my Old man life story, as close as possible to the way that I lived my life during my younger years, so I will tell you how it all happened in those times, but that is not the only reason why I am going to write this story, since I would also like to write this story because I would like to compare this story to the modern ways of living today, just to give it another useful meaning to my writings.
So, let us just imagine if one could go back in time like in time travel fictions and see how people were living then, what would or could we say about those times then? I suppose we would wonder how nowadays way of living would have affected the older generations,
if they had known what life would have been like in the future, since in the old days things were very different then and they did not change very much at all, and if anything happened, it would have happened usually slowly, in fact everything seemed to be standing still, whereas today everything is changing so fast that one has no time even to think about it.
Anyhow, in this first post of, Old man life story, we will start telling you about a story of a young boy who started living his life a long time ago the old ways as it was then; this boy now has become an old man and wonders at the ways we live today; so, this old man now looks at today events and compares them to the time when he was young, therefore, he thinks that it could be interesting if the readers themselves would
also like to compare this old time story to the new ways of living that we live today. But that is not all as I will explain in my next post. See you soon.
Genzano it story
Every one of us has a story to tell
Next time with the continuation of this same story
Some useful links

Friday, June 29, 2012

An old man life story

To blog, Genzano it story
Welcome to my post, An old man life story
This blog, now called, Genzano it story, it is being used to write about Genzano town and of course its citizens and anything else that belongs to Genzano; But today I have made this decision and I am going to add the story of an old man that came from Genzano, so that there is more to talk about. I hope to make it interesting enough for my readers to follow my blog.

An old man story

Introduction to; An old man story

Let me tell you a story and transport you to another place and to another time, at the time when I was a kid and my grandma would tell me a story just to keep me happy and go to bed and sleep.
Ho my god! What did I say? Tell you fairy tales that the elders of my time were telling me when I was a kid; no, sorry my dear readers I have made a mistake and I apologize, I should have known better and told you what I am really going to do; I am going to tell you the story of my life. I know now you are saying, what is wrong with me why should I tell you the story of my whole life? Well it is just because I cannot tell you a fairy tale, because today people don’t believe anymore in fairies of fairy tales, and really, I don’t remember most of the tales that I have been told, so I could not tell you much of a story; therefore I am going to tell you the story of my life, because that is the only story that I know better than anybody else.
Now that I have decided to tell you my whole life story, starting with this post called, (An old man story), which is going to be also the name of my writings, I have also to say that there are other issues that have prompt to write my story, the main issues are written hereunder.
Firstly, I would like to tell you my dear readers that I would like to use this story of my life to compare the ways of living between today and the old time ways; I believe that in order to tell a story and make sense to the listener or readers there should also be a purpose for it, so, if we compare this story, then it may make this story more interesting. So I wonder how it would be if one could go back in time like in time travel fictions, how nowadays ways of living would have affected the older generations. You see, in the old days time seemed to stand still and very little changes would happen, and if anything did happen it would happen very slowly, whereas today everything changes very fast and what is new today, in a few days may be said to be old. I hope you see what I mean?
Secondly, I am going to tell you about why I feel that I have to write this story, and why I believe I have to write it. You see, I feel that every human being has a story to tell, and anyone of us could tell our own story if we attach enough importance to the story that we want to tell. So, to me it happens that I believe that by telling you my life story, not only I become satisfied that I have written my own life story, but I would also feel that I am doing humanity a good service, because something can be learned from my life story. I believe that it is the life duty of any man to try to improve anything if one can, just as I have written in my last post. I hope you see what I mean.
Some links

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The life duty of any man

Welcom to my blog of, Genzano it
Posting, The life duty of any man.
The life duty of any man
Allow me to move away for the main purpose of this blog, which is to talk about Genzano as its title suggests, because I would like to talk just for a moment about the people that come from Genzano, you see I come from Genzano and therefore I am a Genzanese, now the people of Genzano have their own beliefs and I believe that they are all good citizen and believe in God; I am saying this because I am also going to talk about religious things in this post of the life duty of any man.
What is the life duty of any man we should ask here, you see; while we are talking about religions, we cannot avoid asking why man believes in religions, what we really know about religions? If we happen to know anything at all, should we let the world know what we know, in other words, is it our duty to let the rest of the world know what we think could be helpful to know? In other words, what is the life duty of any man?
This article hereunder I have written it before somewhere else, but I feel the need to repeat it here, so that we may have an explanation of what I am trying to say.
So, what is the life duty of any man can be explained thus:
When a man (or woman) is born receives this gift of life from God in conjunction with Mother Nature, all this is achieved through and from his/her parents as we all know, since this is the only natural way for life to continue indefinitely. This gift of life that this man has received from God, (Mother-Nature etc.) he should Endeavour to guard dearly during his own life with all his inner will and his physical strength, as life is a very precious gift that he has received, especially in God’s eyes since I believe that God is the life giver of all existing life.
Therefore, a man must try to live his own life well, or at least as good as his parents have done before him, and if he can, he must try to improve the standard of life that he has received from them, these improvements that he may have made should be passed on to his children, so that the next generation that comes through him and from him will have a better standard of life than he has had during his own life.
Now just because this blog is called Genzano it, it is natural that we want to talk about Genzano and its citizens, and I being born in Genzano di Lucania, I want to point out that these Genzano people do their duty, and therefore are willing to do their duty of good citizens.  
Now let me go back to what I was saying before. Having described above what the life duty of any man would be, and believing every word that I have said above, there is no way that I can avoid to do my duty for the improvement of future generations, if I want to feel that my life has been worthwhile living; otherwise I will feel that life has passed me by and I have not done anything important, or contributed anything at all for the improvement of future generations.
Therefore now, I have to start thinking what I could and should do to achieve my goal, in order to do my duty and try to improve what I have received from life and what I have learned from life, so that I may have a record of it, and then see which way it can be used for the benefit of mankind. I believe that the best way to do this is to start writing down most of my own life observations including my religious beliefs, since we are going to talk here about religions and religious beliefs; I have to write my religious beliefs in such a way that they could be understood and would make sense to whosoever might read them. I know that my own life experiences and my life observations of religious beliefs that I am going to write here might seem a bit strange to some reader; but what can I do if life sometimes is a bit strange? I can do nothing about it, except to tell you the way it is, and the way that I see it. So, if I have to do my duty in order to improve what I have received from life, I am going to tell you my own life experiences to start with, even if my life experience is going to be boring and might seem strange at times, as I am sure that my life experiences are going to seem strange to you sometime, so much so that one would think that they may be like a metamorphose. But, because a man has got to do what a man has got to do I am going to do it anyhow; so may God help me/us!
This is the life duty of any man

Friday, April 20, 2012

Born in Genzano di Lucania

Welcome to my blog, Genzano it
And my post, born in Genzano di Lucania
Born in Genzano di Lucania

My name is Frank and I was born in Genzano di Lucania, this is why my life journey has started in Genzano, but then other things have happened during my life and I had to leave the town where I was born. Today I believe that every one of us has his own sort of destiny, and our life is like a journey that starts when we are born and continues until we die.
But, what should a man do about his own life journey one may ask?
This question brings us so many other questions that we would like to ask, one of this questions is about ourselves in the first place and therefore we ask what life is?
I suppose that life on earth can be explained in a few different ways according to what the person concerned believes in, as one can go arguing about the origin of life forever, and therefore it is almostimpossible to reach a total agreement of its origin.
The first thing that we know about our life is where we were born, you see, I was born in Genzano but then I have to make my own life journey, so during my life journey I know where I was born but life can take me anywhere so I will not know where I will die. We live this life journey so to
speak because life is like a journey, now what I would like to talk here is about my own life journey, and therefore what counts in these writings are only my own life beliefs, even if some of my readers will not agree with my beliefs.
So, I believe that life for me is a gift that I received in Genzano di Lucania from the eternal life force of the Living God who is working together with Mother Nature since the very beginning of times: They work both together in such a way that life could go on forever on this planet, just like the way they are themselves, as they are eternal. So life keeps going on, even if with the passing of time things and even life itself on this earth may change a little or a lot.
The truth about this slowly changing life matter can be seen easily by any keen observer, since one has only to allow oneself enough time to observe these things, in order to see that although life and other things seem to be the same for a very long time in reality they change; therefore, in order to survive life on earth is constantly adapting itself to its environments, and the faster the environment changes the faster life needs to change to adapt itself to it in order to survive.
I believe that this continuous life adaptation that is continuously taking place, with time it could and would bring some change to the ways of life and even life itself, so, it is important that we look closely at our present own life and our lives experiences including past experiences when we were younger, and perhaps, we should also look closely at recent past generations, so that, we may understand what has happened and what is happening nowadays, if we do that we may be able to plan ahead, so that, we may be ready and able to cope with any changes which may occur in the near future, and also for future generations.
But, perhaps first of all we need to talk about these changes which are taking place and I need to convince those people that don’t believe in these life changes, that those life changes are really taking place, so, I invite you to read my own life journey writings, in order to see for yourself what I mean about general changes and my own life changes. As for myself I know it from my own life experience about them, since I need only to look back at the times when I was young and compare them to these present days, in order to convince myself that the style of life and everything else around me have really changed a lot since my younger days.
As I have said already I was born in Genzano but I will not be able to know where I will die. But at the same time it is obvious from what I have just said above that, we need to adapt ourselves to the present environment as it changes in order to survive. So, this present position will bring us back to the first question. What should a man do about his own life journey? This will bring us to another question. What is the life duty of any man?
So next time we will be talking about the life duty of any man.

Festival in Genzano. - YouTube

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