Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our life observations

Simple man life observations
-Our life observations
Welcome to my blog of Genzano it story,
And this post ‘Our life observations’. 

Just as this photo tells us, life is whatever you want it to be, the best way to go about life is that we need to observe and learn from it, and if something is worrying us, let us try to overcome that by using what we have already learned from our lives observations.

Simple man life observations
These are my life memories and observations
Dear readers, this time we are not going to talk about what is happening in the world, as we have done in our last two posts, where we have tried to point out the negative effect that the illegal migrant could have on the receiving countries, because that is not our main aim in this blog, as you can easily find that in the news, but we have written our last two post just to let you know how we see the situation from here, now that we have done that, we would like to go back to talk about our own personal life that I have lived in Genzano di Lucania, because that is the town that I came from and lived my younger life, starting from my own life observations. 
The human eye is one of the best vehicle to observe and learn all those things that happen around us, and together with our other senses would help us learn many new things. We should try to remember what we have seen or heard, as this may be useful one day.  

 We have to learn from our own life and our observation of life; first of all let us just observe what I am doing just now: Well I am writing my own life observations in this article, we will call this first part, simple man life observations; and then, observe and learn from life, let me talk about my childhood and my childhood pains; one can still learn from the hurting part of life; these are the subject that we would like to talk about, some of these in this post and some in our next post. Here I have to make the following observation, which is that this post or article could have been the beginning of my life story; instead I have moved it towards the end of the first part of my life story, which is the story of my life before I migrated to Australia.
Anyhow, as I said we have to observe and learn, and then when we can try to use our observations to guide us during our life; our observations of life if we remember them well, they would be like our own shadow that follows us everywhere we go and it never fails on a sunny day, so let us all learn from life by observing whatever happens around us. I know that sometimes we might want to forget what has happened to us, because it is painful to recall, but even those painful memories are worth remembering, because they might teach us to avoid them next time. Now let us look at my own life story and observation and perhaps compare them with today’s living.
Looking at the ways that we live today, one could certainly say that living today is not as simple and easy as it used to be, because of the changing ways of living that progress has brought with it, and living one’s own life today is a very complex event that needs to be looked at closely, even if it is just a normal simple life of a simple man like me.
You see, in the old times it was easier, because life usually would follow the same pattern like the generation before us, so everybody would copy the previous generation. But today is different, because things have changed and continue to change, so, we have to change also if we want to succeed in life.
Today when we start thinking about the beginning of our own life in general terms, no one could ever tell and no one could ever even guess what life would or could be bringing to any of us. Of course the best way for any of us is to plan ahead how we would like to live our own life; and here I mean that we should really make up our own mind about what we want to do with our own life, and then try hard to keep to the chosen plan if we can.
But even if one plans well ahead, there are times during our life when one has got to do whatever is most appropriate at that particular time in order to survive and thrive, and be able to earn our own living. Therefore even if we have made up our own mind, and perhaps we have decided that we wants to study, or we wants to learn a trade, or do something special during our own life, it may not happen just the way we have planed it, because life events may override those decisions, so we may end up doing a different job, or being something else other than what we had planned to do in the beginning. But then because these things happen we learn from life what we need to do and we do them since that is the best way to solve the problem. You see, we need to observe and lean, it is necessary to do that even if it is done just to survive those times that we happen to live in.
Observe and learn from life
We should observe life events and learn from them
We have to learn to accept life just the way it comes, because sometimes this is the only thing that we would be able to do, without upsetting ourselves too much; I am saying this because, during my life I have had a few of those life experiences that are not the best; but I could do nothing about it to change the outcome, so I had to accept them and continue to live the best way I could.
Today, I am looking back at my life that I have already lived, and I am thinking that I have already lived the most important part of my life. You see, I happen to be in my sixties while I am writing this page here for the first time; so, I can look back at my life and wonder at the great changes of lifestyles that we have been living in this new present era including my own life. While I am looking at these changes I also wonder at the events that have changed our lifestyle, and also of how it all has been happening and still keeps happening and changing even now while I am writing here this article.
Therefore, right at this very moment I am wondering why I am writing this at all, because writing articles is new to me and so it is still another one of my lifestyle changes, which has been brought about from those changing life events, you see when I was young I could never have guessed that one day I could be writing something and be able to publish it in something called the Internet, and I would be writing in a language that was and is not my native tongue.
All this has happened to me, because there have been lots of changes since I was born, there were life events that have changed my lifestyle during my life, and so they have forced me to change and to adjust with them as required; and it was one of these changes during one stage of my life, when I felt the need to start writing, so that I could fulfil one of my emotional personal needs. And in doing so I have written a few things, which I would very much like to preserve at least for the time being, although sometimes I wonder whether my personal written articles are really worth to be saved.
But here I am talking about my own personal writings, and even if they are worth nothing to the rest of the world, they are my personal writings and my experience of life, and therefore I would like to keep them forever while I am still alive, and perhaps even after I am dead, if they could make sense to anybody, so that, if one day somebody happens to read my personal writings they will be able to understand them. So, now I will try to write them down in a way that people will understand them. So here are my life events and changes, according to the observations of my own life, as it evolved starting from when I was a child, so let me talk about my childhood now and the problems that I went through when I was very young.
I am going to talk about my childhood in my next post as this post is becoming too long, and the readers become tired very easily these day if a post is too long, so, see you in our next post, talking about childhood.

 Genzano it story
Our life observations
Next time with, talking about chilhood

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Other refugee problems

Welcome to our blog, Genzano it story
and this post, Other refugee problems

Boat full of refugees going to Italy, just about every day there are boats full of refugees coming to Italy.

The entire world has refugees problem,
In the previous post we have talked about the emigrant problem in Europe, although Europe has the biggest flow of illegal migrant these days, it is not the only place that this exodus of people happens, because they happen in most other parts of the world as well: For instance in Australia the government is trying very hard to stop the boats of illegal emigrant to reach its shores, whenever they can they take these incoming immigrant to a less attractive place than Australia, they keep them over there for as long as they can and only those that are found to be real refugees are allowed to come to Australia; it might not work exactly like that but at least they try to stop the boats coming in easily, in the hope that less illegal migrant would come to Australia. 

Border fence between USA Mexico to stop illegal migrants. 

But this emigration problem is all over the world and also the USA has got this sort of problem with the people from Mexico that somehow find the way how to cross the frontier and enter USA, but over there at least the authorities try to stop it, and for this reason it is kept to a minimum and that is a good thing for many reasons. One of these reasons is the danger that they bring with them, because the receiving country may become impoverished and then their own people would want to move to another country, well I suppose this might not apply to the USA, because it is a big country and it is rich, but in general terms this is what could happen.
Now let us leave behind the emigrants that want to move to another country for financial gain, and let us talk briefly about the refugees from war thorn countries. These refugees really need some help and we should give it to them, but here we really should be cautious, we should really screen them to see whether they are refugees that other people have caused to become refugees, or they have taken part themselves in the causing of the wars, which in turn has made them refugees; this issue would be very important to know, because they might be those type of people that might cause the same problem wherever they go. We hope you see what we mean.

Risk refugees
Now that we are talking about war refugees let us look at those refugees that bring the most risk to the receiving country. Here you might have a shock to learn that the refugees that bring most risks are those refugees that come from religious wars, any type of these refugees bring danger with them wherever they go, because of their religious beliefs and they believe that killing other people is right, just because these people do not belong to their own religion, so their religion make them trigger happy and they go around killing other people.
In order to understand this issue, we need only to look at past religious wars and other meaningless acts that religious people have caused to understand what we want to say here. Let us just mention a couple of the most senseless things that religious people have done: The crusader is one and the other major one is the inquisition, these two acts have killed thousands of people in the name of God and religion. Therefore those extremist religious fanatics are to be treated with suspicion, we should be really careful to accept them easily in our country. We could say more but this means that we have to point out directly to those religious groups that we think are dangerous and we are not prepared to do that at this point of time.
If you don’t know about these two negative religious events of the Crusaders and the Inquisition try to read some of their history. You see today the religious people will avoid mentioning any of these acts. Anyhow we are pasting here some links for you to investigate.  
Now, here we would like to point out that the problem is not entirely the fault of religions, but it is rather the way that the people use them, this is one of the reasons why we have written our own religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe where we are suggesting how to attempt to modify religions in such a way that it would be harder for people to use religions for their own advantages. Here are a few article links that you can read, just to have an idea what we are talking about. Reconciliation of the Universe, God of the Universe description, God's central sit of government, I have only given you three links of the several articles we have written and if you are interested to read more it would be easy to connect to the other using these links above. 
That is all for the time being, but we will say more if we need to say more later on.        

 Genzano it story
Other refugges problems
Next time with, another story 
Some useful links

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our modern problems

Welcome to out blog, Genzano it story
and this post, Our modern problem
Modern worldwide problem
So many bout full of illegal migrant reach the cost of Italy just about every day; so one is forced to ask, for how long the Italian people should be able to help them. So I am afraid that soon or later the Italian might end up with a problem that is not easy to solve.

Modern worldwide problem
Dear readers of our blog, Genzano it story, this time we are not going to post the post that we said we would, we will be coming back to that later on; but we will be posting this new type of blog post, because the problem that we see coming could and would also affect Genzano itself, so we would like to say how we see what is happening in the world about the refugees or illegal emigrant, and how this could affect us all.
This article are our personal views of the problems that are happening these days in the entire world; so we would like to have our say by writing this article about illegal emigrant and refugees, because we would like to highlight this modern worldwide problem, hoping that somehow people will be more attentive to this phenomenon of illegal emigrant that are forcing their way into another country, even when that country does not need them or want them, because they are causing many problems.
We all know that we the modern civilized western world are usually willing to help if we can, as long as our position is not put at risk by what we are doing, so, we are willing to help these people in need, especially if they are real refugees running away from wars and other extreme happenings that rends their place of residence dangerous or useless, but at the same time, we should face the truth and see that we all have a limited capacity to help these people, therefore when that capacity is exhausted, we need to be really careful that we don’t end up in a bad way ourselves and instead of being able to help others we need help ourselves from other people, because we have lost the capacity to be self sufficient.
This is the danger that some parts of world are facing today, we really should try to see where all this illegal emigration might take us, you see sometimes we have reasons to believe that this illegal emigration is a dangerous thing that the world unwillingly allows to go on; it is like invading another country without waging war, but some of us don’t see the danger that these illegal emigrant bring with them.
For instance Italy is decriminalizing clandestine immigration; this seems to give more say to the new arrival of clandestine immigrant, because they are not viewed as criminals just because they are illegal immigrants. Okay that seems very good from the immigrant point of view, but at the same time it encourages other new emigrant to move to Italy. As we all know Italy has only a limited capacity to absorb the influx of emigrant. Therefore the politicians are kidding themselves that they need people to work, in order to pay for the aging pensions and other welfare that the government pays for; but the question here is where is the work that these immigrant can do, when there is no work for the Italians people that are already there?
What we have said above is just a view of how we see this worldwide problem or phenomenon that is happening these days. The worrying part of it is that it seems to increase; in 2013 Italy has had over 40,000 illegal immigrants and this year is increasing, so nobody knows how all this will end. Anyhow let us see what has been happening lately and then we will come back to discuss other financial problems.
More boat people        
This photo above shows people in Libya waiting in this detention centre for a chance to go to Italy, or any other European country.
The Libyan government said that they are struggling with these enormous arrivals of migrating people and would like more aid from EU countries.
There is a report that a boat with 400 people sank and many people are feared dead.      
Looking at what is happening it is hard to say what the receiving countries could do to avoid other consequences that could follow from this overflow of forced emigration, what seems most important here is this that we should try to help the most in need, but we have to keep in mind that we cannot help them all, so we need to find ways about how to slow this emigration down, after all the people that reach Italy and other European nations look well and healthy, so they are not really starving where they come from.
Therefore they could have stayed in the country of origin longer, but that is not all, because not only they come without being invited, and worst of all is that they pretend from the Italian government a house or some sort of accommodation; they have really a twisted view of what is fair for everybody to ask and receive, since they think only about themselves, you see, they don’t see that for today whatever the government would be able to distribute to the people, first and foremost there must have been somebody that worked hard to make those things.
 For these reasons of production, all those things that the government might have available should first of all be given to the people that have produced, and then if there is anything left, they would be distributed to the incoming immigrant that have never done anything to produce them. I know that some of you are going to say that I am a hard man, but that is the only way that the world can afford to go on. Now what we have said here is about what is happening in the Mediterranean Sea between Africa and Europe, but there is more as you will see in the article here under.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Madonna church


This is the Madonna church, as it is today.

The Madonna church
Today in Genzano di Lucania there is still an important church that has the name of this Madonna that we call; Maria Santissima delle Grazie, as it happened, some years had passed by from the day that they found the Madonna icon near Capo Daqua fountain, when somebody dreamed that the Madonna wanted a church of her own built on a hill called ‘Montefreddo’; the story for building this church says that there was this person that dreamed that the Madonna wanted a church, now it happened that the night the dreamer dreamed this particular dream was snowing, but in the morning the snow had melted away everywhere except where the dreamer had dreamed that the Madonna wanted her church built. The dreamer told her dream to the people of Genzano, which then they understood and took notice of the strange event of the snow. Therefore it was then decided that the new church would have to be built where that large patch of snow was left. And this is the reason why the church of this Madonna was built on this high hill of Genzano called, Montefreddo.
With the building of the Madonna church many more devotees came to adore this Madonna, and they prayed to her for graces or miracles; and many graces they received in return, so this Madonna sanctuary grew and became well known all around the country for a few centuries, but then one day a fire broke out in the crowded church, because they had too many things going on at the same time and some people perished. After that it was closed for a while and when they fixed it and opened it again, it was not as popular as it had been before.
Nowadays, although this Madonna church has been damaged badly twice by earthquake and once by fire, as we have said above, it has been rebuilt and restored and it is still very popular, but not quite as much as it used to be, I suppose it is the sign of the times, because people nowadays don’t believe in religion as much as they used to do in the old times.
Anyhow, in the town of Genzano of nowadays, we still celebrate a great feast for this Madonna, the yearly festivity for this Madonna are held for three days the first week end in August. We will have to come back to tell you about these festivities later on; because now I would like to tell you what else the people of Genzano did after they found the Madonna near Capo D’aqua fountain.
Madonna chapel and fountain
Let us go back at the site where they found the Madonna and what the people of Genzano did soon after they found this Madonna; we have already mentioned above that they were going to built a chapel, and so they built the chapel; but at the same time they built a larger fountain, because when the people of Genzano were digging to find the Madonna icon, they also found another large spring of water, so they channelled this water to make a larger fountain nearby that to these days is called Capo d’aqua, because on the abundance of this spring waters.
Since then this fountain has been rebuilt and enlarged about year 1800, in order to serve the people of Genzano as the population was growing larger. The fountain has inscribed in a corner the name of a certain ‘Lepore’, perhaps he was the mayor of the town at the time when they built or rebuilt the fountain. It is a large and abundant spring fountain situated just downstream from where they had found the Madonna, and just about where the Del’monte chasm and the Greek chasm meet, but well before they merge with St. Antun or St Michael chasm downstream. The fountain was built as a simple country fountain, and it has five or six large troughs of about three metre long and one metre wide, all built of solid and simple masonry. There are reasons to believe that the people of Genzano have used a lot this fountain outside the town, because there was no reticulated water in town in those times and the Cavallina fountain in the town was not large enough to supply the entire town.
So, this fountain was used in various ways, as there are two troughs which have three and four water sprouts each, which are fed from the spring and are constantly pouring water into the troughs. The two troughs with the sprouts are reserved for the animals to drink, and for those people that want to fill some sorts of vessels straight from the sprouts. From these two troughs then the water runs out into the rest of the troughs, and these secondary troughs were used to do the town’s washing, since there was no reticulated water in town in those times.
Capo d’aqua fountain was very popular in the old times, there was even a song that a young girl used to sing happily, she would sing about the time when she would go to Capo d’Aqua fountain to do the washing. I can still remember a few of the dialect verses that I learned when I was young, and they go like this:
Italian dialect verses.
Me chiam Rosa e teng vent’ann
E a Capodaqua ije lav li pann
Kess eij la dota ca me dai mam
na strecatora e na cest pei pann.
English version
My name is Rose and I am twenty
And a Capo D’aqua I wash my clothes
This is the dowry that my mother gives me,
A scrubbing board and a basket for clothes

This is the story of this Madonna that we have told just the way we know it, next time we will have to think of something else to write our next post. See you soon.  

     Genzano it story
The Madonna church
Next time with, another story about Genzano.
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